

Interviews, short stories, tips & advice, quizzes, games, manifestos, opinions, all of it nonsense.

Beer mats: Stuart Laws’ ode to the silent protectors

Stuart Laws is attempting to break the world record for number of beer mats flipped and caught in a minute. The current record stands at 74. Laws is going to hit 75. He has three attempts. Can he deliver? We asked him to tell us about the phenomenon of beer mat flipping and exactly what it means to him.

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Rhiannon Shaw interviews the small French child who’s moved into her house

Rhiannon Shaw sits down to chat with Caroline [Surname Unknown], the French exchange student who never went home and now has a starring role in Rhiannon’s show Wedding Night. The results are riveting.

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Foxdog Studios: The perfect 15th Century Fringe flowchart

Foxdog Studios take us back to the 15th Century, when all electronics were banned and also didn’t exist. This handy flowchart helps you navigate Edinburgh Fringe in the dark ages.

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Tatty Macleod: Goodbye choice, hello Randomly Generated Edinburgh Fringe

In Edinburgh for a few days and spoilt for choice? Well, choice is no longer an option. Thanks to Tatty Macleod, we now have the Randomly Generated Edinburgh Fringe Festival to fulfil all your comedy show needs

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