Interviews, short stories, tips & advice, quizzes, games, manifestos, opinions, all of it nonsense.
Beer mats: Stuart Laws’ ode to the silent protectors
Stuart Laws is attempting to break the world record for number of beer mats flipped and caught in a minute. The current record stands at 74. Laws is going to hit 75. He has three attempts. Can he deliver? We asked him to tell us about the phenomenon of beer mat flipping and exactly what it means to him.
Rhiannon Shaw interviews the small French child who’s moved into her house
Rhiannon Shaw sits down to chat with Caroline [Surname Unknown], the French exchange student who never went home and now has a starring role in Rhiannon’s show Wedding Night. The results are riveting.
Schalk Bezuidenhout: Where to sleep in Edinburgh (when you have no accommodation)
It is only a matter of time before accommodation at Edinburgh Fringe becomes so unaffordable that a flat or room will be out of the question. Here is Schalk Bezuidenhout’s top 10 places to sleep for the month
Matt Hutchinson’s Fantasy Fringe: At home, fun and not entirely uphill
Matt Hutchinson has some wild dreams about Edinburgh Fringe being fun, affordable AND not exhausting? This may actually be the most unreasonable scenario yet…
John Tothill: The Crete Festival Fringe
John Tothill has uncontroversially been given £300m by the Fringe Society. Unrelated, he’s booked a holiday to Greece in the middle of August and decided to channel £300m into moving the Fringe to Greece.
‘6:30pm, tell Russell Howard he’s smelly’: Alex Franklin’s super chill Fringe
Alex Franklin is chill. Because they’re so chill, they’re going to have a perfect Fringe. Follow this schedule to the minute every single day for your very own entirely chill Fringe.
Kuan-wen Huang’s Everything Everywhere All At Once Edinburgh Fringe
How do you make the most of everything happening at Edinburgh Fringe? Kuan-wen Huang teams up with all his different multiverse selves to get the absolute best out of the fest.
Freya Parker: How to Stay Healthy and Cheeky at the Fringe
The rumours are true: Freya Parker is a cheeky little guy. And she has some tips on how to make this Fringe the cheekiest Fringe possible.
Larry Owens’ Diva Dinner Party With Stars of Old Broadway
Larry Owens imagines a world where Julie Garland, Elaine Stritch and Barbra Streisand watch his Edinburgh Fringe show…
‘A day at the Fringe is heaven; a year is hell’: Adam Flood’s Groundhog Fringe
Adam Flood is stuck in a loop, doing the same show every single day for a whole month — what is this fresh hell? It’s Groundhog Fringe, and he’s determined to nosedive every single time.
Butt vacuums and zero gravity: At the Space Fringe with Zoe Brownstone
Zoe Brownstone has taken a show up into space because that’s what everyone is doing. Join her in the Moon Room for an hour of jokes about the end of the world, because what’s funnier than impending doom?
Simon David’s 10 Tips For A Fantastic Edinburgh Fringe!
Proud, gay comedian, Simon David provides his positive 10 step guide for anyone bringing a show to the world’s best arts festival
Priya Hall’s Junior Fringe: Only toddlers allowed
Priya Hall has solved all the Fringe’s main problems - accommodation, cost, attention span, pressure - by just reducing the age and size of the performers
Foxdog Studios: The perfect 15th Century Fringe flowchart
Foxdog Studios take us back to the 15th Century, when all electronics were banned and also didn’t exist. This handy flowchart helps you navigate Edinburgh Fringe in the dark ages.
Tatty Macleod: Goodbye choice, hello Randomly Generated Edinburgh Fringe
In Edinburgh for a few days and spoilt for choice? Well, choice is no longer an option. Thanks to Tatty Macleod, we now have the Randomly Generated Edinburgh Fringe Festival to fulfil all your comedy show needs
Jodie Mitchell: Long live the Edinburgh Rat King Utopia
Jodie Mitchell was present at the annual meeting of Edinburgh’s Rat King, and reports back with their findings on how a writhing pile of rodents can make the Fringe a better place for all.
Nathan D’Arcy Roberts, interviewed by past and future Nathan
Nathan D’Arcy Roberts sits down for an exclusive interview with his past self (14) and future self (54), who reveal truths about his upcoming Edinburgh Fringe show
Leila Navabi: F*ck the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - it’s time for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Fantasy Fringe: Leila Navabi reports on the renewed festival, where it’s all about bangs.
Sarah Roberts’ Fantasy Fringe: Welcome to the Worm Colony
Fantasy Fringe: Sarah Roberts reimagines Edinburgh Fringe as a futuristic worm colony. Find out which worm you are…for everyone is a worm.
Mice, buns and magic elixirs: Greta Titelman’s Fairytale Fantasy Fringe
Fantasy Fringe: Perfect princess Greta Titelman is going to have a perfectly perfect day.