Interviews, short stories, tips & advice, quizzes, games, manifestos, opinions, all of it nonsense.
Paulina Lenoir: Puella Eterna's beauty routine revealed
Paulina Lenoir is making her Edinburgh Fringe debut with Puella Eterna, who has a complex beauty routine everyone’s been asking about…
Dan Wye’s top 5 Edinburgh dating tips
Dan Wye is back at Edinburgh Fringe. These are their top five surprisingly useful Fringe dating tips (Dan: “the only time I will be giving just the tip”).
Amy Mason’s 10 simple ideas for coming out as a queer woman
Amy Mason brings her show Free Mason to Edinburgh Fringe, where she talks all about coming out in her late 30s. She’s full of wisdom on how YOU could do the same!
Runi Talwar: 5 Secret Techniques To INSTANTLY Increase Your Luck
Runi Talwar is making his Edinburgh Fringe debut. Find out how he got to be so lucky here, with these five handy tips!
Reuben Kaye: How my father kept my ADHD diagnosis a secret (from me and my mother)
Reuben Kaye returns to Edinburgh Fringe with ‘Live and Intimidating’ and ‘The Kaye Hole’. Here, he tells the story of how he found out he had ADHD.
Kiran Saggu: 10 jobs men hate when women have
Kiran Saggu is making her Edinburgh Fringe debut with her show Slacks. As a woman, she has a job and while that is frankly un-chic in this day and age, it is sometimes unavoidable. She’s compiled a list of the jobs you — a woman — should avoid if you want a man.
Bella Humphries: The Ultimate Playlist for Hormonal Girlies!
Bella Humphries is bringing her debut show Square Peg to Edinburgh Fringe. She’s noticed the month-long festival shares some similarities with the menstrual cycle and has a foolproof plan for dealing with it!
Amy Annette: Which mid-00s shoe are YOU?
Amy Annette is bringing her debut show, Thick Skin, to Edinburgh Fringe. But before you even think about seeing her show, you need to take this essential quiz.
Breaking news: Jin Hao Li finds Nessie
Jin Hao Li is making his Edinburgh Fringe debut. But before that, he’s on the hunt for Nessie and takes us along on his journey.
Abby Wambaugh: How to hypnotise your friends
Abby Wambaugh is debuting at Edinburgh Fringe with The First 3 Minutes of 17 Shows. She gives us the tricks of the trade for getting your friends under control finally!
Stevie Martin: What REALLY goes on behind the scenes of a preview
Stevie Martin is bringing her show, clout, to Edinburgh Fringe. Here, she reveals what’s actually happening at a comedy show preview
2 Muslim 2 Furious: Aisha Amanduri and Hasan Al-Habib spill their innermost thoughts
Aisha Amanduri and Hasan Al-Habib are bringing their split-bill 2 Muslim 2 Furious to Edinburgh Fringe. Here, they reveal their innermost thoughts as they vaguely try to date each other.
Zoë Coombs Marr’s Guide to Gossip
Zoë Coombs Marr is bringing her show Every Single Thing In My Whole Entire Life to the Edinburgh Fringe. Here, she tells us why gossip is so important and how to do it properly!
5 comedy festivals you should go to (that aren’t Edinburgh Fringe)
Not going to Edinburgh Fringe but still want your comedy festival fix? Pick one of these!
13 comedy shows you should book to see NOW!
A sample of what, and who, you should be seeing over the next few months across the UK comedy scene
Why LMAOnaise made a print comedy newspaper
The LMAOnaise newspaper is a lovely snapshot of the UK live comedy scene right now. But WHY was it necessary?
Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Why our All Killa No Filla podcast has the best fans
For ten years now, Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Rachel Fairburn have been hosting true crime comedy podcast, All Killa No Filla. The fans, ‘Legends’, have grown to their thousands. Kiri tells us why they’re the best fans around
Nose bleeds, cursed photographs and inside out calves: how we made Icklewick FM
Icklewick FM is The Delightful Sausage’s brand new largely improvised radio show on BBC Radio 4. Amy Gledhill gave us unique insight into how she and Chris Cantrill made this audio oddity.
How To Behave: Comedy is supposed to be FUN — let people enjoy it!
There are many ways people should behave better at comedy shows, but telling them to be quiet isn’t one of them! LET PEOPLE ENJOY THEMSELVES!!!
Gun and Wand TV Star apologises for crew member kidnap – and assault with ‘small’ chair
BREAKING NEWS: Filming of new wizard-gangster fantasy tv show Gun and Wand stalls after star imprisons crew member for six weeks